Depression care that's effortless

Depression Care Plan

Depression Care Plan
Did you know?

Depression is much more common than many people think.

1 in every 5 Americans experience depression at least once in their lifetime. We’re with you, especially when times are hard.

Depression Care Plan
Signs and symptoms

Depression has a unique impact on each person.

However, the painful experience of depression remains constant. While the following symptoms ebb and flow in life, in depression they are more persistent:

  • Feeling helpless or hopeless
  • Loss of interest in simple pleasures
  • Change in sleeping and eating patterns
  • Frequently feeling angry or irritable
  • Loss of energy and concentration
Depression Care Plan
Diagnosing Depression

An effective treatment plan starts with an accurate diagnosis.

Depression is diagnosed by a doctor who evaluates the signs and symptoms associated with depression, including the mix and severity of symptoms, the context in which they occur, their duration, and their impact on quality of life. We offer a free mental health assessment to help you understand whether symptoms you have are clinically significant.

With medication and ongoing care, there's a clear path to getting better.

Genetic testing can help improve outcomes

Your genes drive 40-50% of your response to medication. Without genetic information, you may experience side effects due to incorrectly dosed medication.

Medications are effective for most people with depression

Roughly two-thirds of people experience improvement by taking medication. Our psychiatrists make sure you get appropriate medication and treatment right away.

Collaborative care can make you even better

You are much more likely to become symptom free with a Care Coordinator continuously working with you and your psychiatrist – more than twice as likely according to a pivotal mental health study.


If you’re in emotional distress, text HOME to connect with a counselor immediately.


If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.